What is H2OPS "hop water"?
Our hop water is the simple combination of hops and water. H2OPS sparkling hop water is brewed like beer except we only use hops. There are other hop waters out there, but we are differentiated by our craft brewing and hop selections. We do not use extracts in our original H2OPS.
What's the idea behind this?
We believe that the amazing flavor from hops should be enjoyed on more occasions. Most of our customers drink beer, but love our hop water for those times when they want to avoid the negative effects of alcohol and still want a special drink. For others, who are abstaining, it's a social hoppy drink they can enjoy while others are imbibing.
How can it contain zero (0) calories an d zero (0) sugar?
Because there are no yeasts, or grains (sugar) used in our hop water brewing process, it naturally has zero alcohol. Alcohol is created in beer when yeast convert sugars into alcohol. The hops in beer and our hop water only provide flavor and are not a sugar source.
Is H2OPS gluten free?
Yes. Gluten in beer comes from barley and grains. Since we only brew with hops, it's gluten free.
What are hops?
Hops are the flower of the Humulus Lupulus plant and look like little green pine cones. There are two types of hops; bittering and aroma hops. We only brew with the aroma type. There are over 100 varieties of hops and all have slightly different flavors. The types of hops we prefer can be described as having complex citrus, pine, floral and “green” flavors. These flavors and the beautiful green color of hops inspired our green glass bottle choice.

Why is "brewed from the whole hop" important?
Instead of using concentrated fractions of hops, such as extracts, oils or "natural hop flavors," which can taste synthetic, we brew with the entire hop flower. Specifically, we brew with T-90 pellets, which are compressed from whole hops.
What hops do you use?
We use a blend of aroma hops from the Northwest such as Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe, Centennial and Amarillo, but we are always evaluating new varieties and blends. We go for aroma and flavor, not bitterness. We strongly believe in brewing from the whole hop and nothing but the hop. These compressed whole hops are like the ones many home brewers are familiar with. We do not use hop extracts or hop oils, which only contain fractions of the whole hop flower. To us there is a big taste difference.
Is H2OPS carbonated?
Yes. It's lightly carbonated at similar levels to beer, which is much less than other sparkling and seltzer waters.
I see health warnings on other hop waters. Why not yours?
The reason is because we do not add ingredients such as ashwaganda and other adaptogens and nootropics. See example of other brand health warnings for these ingredients. H2OPS does not require these warnings because we don't put these ingredients in our products.

Why does it cost so much less per can to buy a 24 pack?
Its all in the freight. We are charged just a little bit more to ship 24 cans instead of 12 cans and we pass along the savings.
Do all hop waters taste the same?
Absolutely not! As the category creator we have seen new hop water brands come out with dramatically different tasting versions. The key differentiator seems to be if they brew from the whole hop. Extracts oils and flavors will taste closer to a standard flavored sparking water in our opinion. Some like these non hop flavors and that's fine. Bottom line, if you have tried other hop waters and are coming to us for the first time, know this: they are not all the same.
How do you properly serve H2OPS?
H2OPS is perfect drinking right from the bottle or can for that familiar ritual, but many like to pour it in a tulip or pilsner glass to release more of the complex aromas and flavors. Your choice.
Who invented hop water?
Our H2OPS brand is the authentic original pioneer in this new craft brewed hop water category. We revealed our invention to the world at a California beer festival in 2014 and later won Beverage Industry magazine’s “Beverage Innovation of the Year” back in 2018. We are proud to be the first, but are not satisfied. We continue to strive every day to be the best and most authentic hop water available. While you may find historical references to hop water in Japan, our research shows that it was more of a medicinal health tonic than a craft brewed drink to be enjoyed as a refreshing alternative to beer.
Is H2OPS pasteurized?
Yes. We use a special pasteurization method to ensure safety and quality.
What's the difference? Organic vs Non GMO Project Certified
Did you know that all 100+ hop varieties in the world are Non-GMO? Therefore we believe that to certify our hop water as "Non-GMO" would just be misleading. The highest form of certification for hops would be "organic." Less than 1% of the US hop crop is organic and those are the ones you will find in our H2OPS Hop Water (now in cans) Bonus knowledge: All organic certified food and beverages are naturally non-GMO. They can't be certified organic otherwise.
How do you pronounce H2OPS?
Officially its H2-OPS but for short many say HOPS with a silent 2. H2OPS is our registered trademark brand name and “hop water” and hop water abbreviations are the generic name for this new beverage category we created.